Whilst revenue generation is often the primary purpose of a scheme, there can be other objectives, such as covering the costs of the upkeep of sites, enhancing a particular area and creating sites to use for council messages.
This might mean creating a committee of senior management to agree on the way forward, with representatives from Highways, Planning, Parks & Gardens, Street Scene, Marketing & Communications and Procurement as appropriate.
A tender process might be the traditional route but note that in outdoor media there are relatively few suppliers so a formal tender process may not be cost-effective. Alternatively, a framework could be used such as ESPO which allows organisations to directly award to a supplier, with all procurement processes already carried out and a template contract provided. There is no cost to use this service and a contract can be agreed in a matter of weeks.
Once a supplier is appointed, the preparatory work can be started in order to get the scheme ready to sell - this can include sourcing or creating the inventory of sites on maps and in documents, deciding on the sign sizes and layouts, establishing the internal process for artwork approvals and gathering any useful information on the local business community, as well as traffic flow figures. Some of this work can be undertaken by suppliers to speed up the process.
As some assets will be located on or near highways, it is important to confirm the process that the supplier should use to install signs. Our installation teams are Chapter 8 trained and certified to work on highways and will liaise with Highways Departments to agree the communication protocol prior to attending a particular site. We also provide full risk assessments and method statements for each site so that you can be sure that we are working safely when installing signs.
We will create a PR strategy for each scheme launch and then roll out the scheme to the local and regional business community using traditional networks and social media. Ensuring there is a comprehensive communication strategy is key to creating interest and demand in any new or re-launched asset sponsorship scheme.
Working in partnership with our client, councils
and asset partners
CP Media Limited
Head Office - Halifax
Clare House
Clare Road
West Yorkshire
© CP Media Limited